Season ticket holder entrance

From: Tommy

Comments: Last night waiting in line at the “Season Ticket Holder” entrance for the youth jersey give away night, a Condor rep came by checking to make sure season ticket holders only were in line. We learned that even though we brought a guest, purchased with a season ticket holder “Buddy Pass” coupon, the buddy had to wait in the regular lines. Even though they were our guest. Again I stress…purchased with a season ticket holder “BUDDY PASS!” However, you are allowing people that purchase a “two pack” ticket access through OUR DOORS! Those doors are supposed to be for SEASON TCKET HOLDERS! How is it that its fair to allow non season ticket holders access through OUR door just because they purchase a “two pack?” They are NOT SEASON TICKET HOLDERS and that is not right to let non season ticket holders access to the season ticket holder door. And yet a season ticket holder can bring a guest and they are not allowed to enter with us? That’s not fair and equitable. The season ticket holder entrance should be reserved exclusively for full year season ticket holders. We pay for 36 games to have the privilege of using that door. Not a TWO PACK. And when we bring a guest with a BUDDY PASS ISSUED TICKET, and they ARE WITH US, our guest should be considered an honorary season ticket holder for the evening. Its unfair to water down our entrance with NON SEASON TICKET holders just because they buy a two pack, especially when you exclude our invited chaperoned guests.

Reply: Tommy, your email prompted a discussion here this week and we have reconsidered how Buddy Passes are admitted. You are right, they should be treated as a season ticket holder for early doors on those nights. We will change our policy going forward.

However, we are still discussing the early entrance for two-pack holders. While it is for only two games, they are nonetheless ticket plan holders, and the whole point is for them to understand the great benefits of being a season ticket holder. A good number of our STH’s began as mini-plan holders of some kind, so we know that the rationale has some validity to it.

In the grand scheme of things, Tommy, out of a crowd of over 6,000 fans we are talking about a small number of people who entered early with the 2-packs. And as it happened, everyone that entered through those early STH doors received a jersey.

We appreciate your feedback though, Tommy, and as you can see, your comments did not go unnoticed. You are now directly responsible for us changing our policy on the Buddy Passes – so everyone can thank you!

-The Mailbag Guy